ABU Robocon 2019
Our team from Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuwan University represented Nepal in the international competition ABU Robocon 2019, held at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
I was involved in design, fabrication and testing the two robots used for the game. I got to learn working as a team to create a greater impact. I worked on sensor calibration and modeling, kalman filters, sensor fusion, inverse kinematics and much more. I was more involved in programming the MR2 robot.
Getting the robots to work on such a big scale was a big challenge for all of us. We didn’t have much funds to support our project, so we are bound to produce best results under tight budgetary constraints. Most of the expensive actuators and sensors came from previous robots, which were built for ABU robocon 2018/2017. We had major issues in circuits, as we didn’t have circuit manufactures that could deliver the circuits to us. So, all the circuits made were completely hand itched.