
Visualizing pointcloud on RViz as a part of my research work

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My research interest lies in the intersection of Robotics and Computer vision. I am currently working as a Research Assistant at NAAMII under the supervision of Dr. Danda Pani Paudel and Prof. Francois Rameau. My current work focuses on leveraging the power of NeRFs and diffusion models for robust pose estimation in low-textured environments. I have also worked on developing hybrid (handcrafted + learned) image point descriptors for lightweight detection and matching, under the supervision of Dr. Ajad Chhatkuli.

I am also working as a Computer Vision Engineer at Geoautomation, where I implement algorithms for Structure from Motion, Panorama Stitching and develop efficient image acquisition pipelines for machine vision cameras.

I did my undergrad in Electronics and Communication Engineering, during which I gained good experience in robotics. I have worked on developing robots for the ABU Robocon competition, enhancing my technical skills and fostering a strong passion for innovation in the field. My undergrad thesis was related to Visual SLAM, where we implemented ORB-SLAM on a mobile robot.