
Visualizing pointcloud on RViz as a part of my research work

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My research interest lies in the intersection of Robotics and Spatial Intelligence. I am facinated by how human brains can percieve the 3D environment and act accordingly. My long-term research goal is to develop a robotic system that can accurately perceive, reason about, and interact with its surrounding 3D environment.

I am currently working as a Graduate Research Assistant at Interactive Robotics Laboratory, WVU under the supervision of Prof. Yu Gu. My current work focuses on accurate pose estimation of flowers followed by plant aware manipulation for precision pollination.

My previous works at NAAMII under the supervision of Dr. Danda Pani Paudel and Prof. Francois Rameau, focused on leveraging the power of NeRFs and diffusion models for robust camera pose estimation in low-textured environments. I have also worked on developing hybrid (handcrafted + learned) image point descriptors for lightweight detection and matching, under the supervision of Dr. Ajad Chhatkuli.